God has called each of us who are committed to Him, to step out in faith and spread the Good News. Kelly Green Global is seeking to reach the world for Christ!
God has called each of us who are committed to Him, to step out in faith and spread the Good News. Kelly Green Global is seeking to reach the world for Christ!
Beth Green meeting with a family blessed by the God is Grace Africa Ministry.
God is Grace Africa is a ministry of Kelly Green Global (KGG) founded to assist women living in developing countries, to help break the cycle of poverty. God is Grace assists these women by allowing them opportunities to raise their level of poverty through their own hard work. This ministry seeks to find sponsors who financially support women in Africa while they are equipped with tools and training that will afford them sustainable careers in their communities. A sponsor agrees to support a woman for one year while the woman selected works hard using the gift of support from her sponsor to build viable businesses which will uphold her and her family.
For more information on this ministry, please visit the God is Grace Africa website.