KGG is constantly seeking partnerships with individuals and churches who want to join us in our effort to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a faith-based ministry, supported entirely by the generosity of individuals, families, churches and corporations who choose to partner financially with our ministry. This financial support enables KGG to fulfill the great commission of reaching out to a lost world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and making disciples as we go. (Matthew 28:19).

KGG uses this support to provide clean water, healthcare, economic growth, and much more to people groups who are suffering from extreme poverty and illness.

Kelly Green Global (KGG) is a non profit 501(C)3 tax exempt organization. Any gift is tax deductible. Your investment in Kingdom work with KGG can be made by mailing a contribution to:

PO Box 949, Brandon, FL 33509 or clicking the DONATE button.